Tuesday, November 29, 2011

UD Naked Palette 2?

I am still waiting to play with the UD Naked Palette and what do I read over here? That there is a naked palette 2 that is set to come out!? I don't see it announced from UD so I'll try & stay a little skeptical and the colors don't seem drastically different from the one I bought so I think it's safe to say that my wallet is safe.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Elf Cyber Monday

You could buy elf products in Canada since 2010 or perhaps even 2009 I think.  I've never bought anything but recently I've been seeing their christmas holiday sets @ Winners & I've been tempted.  It's super cheap & some of their products have gotten good reviews!  Looks like they are having a 50% off sale for Cyber Monday & I think I might bight the bullet & get some brushes.  I am looking for a bent eyeliner brush & for $1.50 with the 50% off, I think I'll give it a go.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I just spent way too long on youtube

Watching videos from LittleKiva.

She's adorable and amazing @ makeup.  I want to dust off my eyeshadows & play.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Food Challenge

The summer was great and filled with patios and drenching in the sun during lunches on the work week.  I told myself life's too short and I would enjoy the summer but now that it's done I find myself still going out simply because I fell out of the routine of making my lunch.  My wallet is still paying for it and so is my waistline.  Now that we've set our clocks back and daylight savings time is over, seems like a good time as any to try to get my routine back.  So yesterday I bought lots of things to make my lunch this week including some fancy cheese.  It was on sale for half price because they were delisting it or something from our grocery store.

I also want to really try making healthier choices.  I've got the exercise part down but my willpower is lacking and I still binge on chips, cake, chocolate...you name it.  I know for me, I can't completely cut them out because I love them too much but perhaps smaller portions or making healthier versions myself is the answer. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Love - Joico KPak

I go through phases on things I spend my hard earned cash on.  First it was clothes then it was makeup then it turned to a love for shoes and it looks like now it's hair.  Seriously, I hardly go to the mall to buy clothes anymore and other than when my foundation or mascara runs out, I hardly buy make up.  OK maybe a bit of a lie considering I just bought the UD Naked Pallette a little while ago but compared to my shopaholic ways, I am doing good.  Seriously, when the BF makes a comment about me doing good, I think it's progress!

Well I bought the Joico Kpak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor a few months ago and I loved it!  I googled reviews of it after & only read amazing things about their shampoo and conditioner.  It's pricey so I never bought it but I saw their 1L bottles at Winners yesterday for $20 and thought it was a sign from above.  I tried it out last night and it's hard to judge so early but the shampoo seemed to get my hair clean and my hair after it dried looks moisturized.  I figure these bottles will last a while so I am hoping in a few months time, my locks will thank me.

Seriously, I've been good to my hair lately --> straightening once a week at most...often maybe only once a month and doing regular deep treatments leading to a noticeable difference in my hair.  I can actually leave it au naturale and it's not a big frizzy mess.  I think also finding products that work well with my hair has been another big help.  I don't mind spending $ if I know it's going to work because I've spent lots of $ on things that don't work and had lots of half used bottles of lotions and potions to show for it.  After about a few years of trying my best to finish everything up, I finally only have a few bottles shampoo that I need to use up that I've been using to clean my makeup brushes...Slowly but surely there will only be products in my washroom that I use!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mindy Kalings New Book

I am not much of a reader.  Now that I have an iPad, I definitely read a little more than when I used to take out books from the library due to the convenience of always having a book with me.  But, I also probably have attention deficit disorder because I often end up playing some game of some sort.  I am looking at you Nyan Cat: Lost In Space.

But I am totally looking forward to Mindy Kalings new book.  I find her really relatable --> I often read her blog nodding and sometimes laughing like a crazy lady.  i.e. this post on Indians rocking the gold and that picture.  If my mom had it her way, I'd be wearing all that gold and then some every time I attended Indian weddings.  I prefer a simple necklace and crazy bangles thank you very much.