Saturday, December 31, 2011

News Years Eve

Time to ring in the new year.  I am a homebody & like staying in but the bf always trys to get us to go out.  We are heading to Niagara for one last day of eating like kings and queens, drinking and just relaxing.  Then it's back to the daily grind as they say.

I am hoping to spend all of tomorrow just vegetating in the house and not doing anything.

Friday, December 30, 2011


I can't wait to watch The Adventures of Tintin!  I read the comics when I was younger and this brings back fond memories of rushing to the comic store to get the latest Tintin comic available.  I do wish they made it a live action movie but the fact that it was Steven Spielberg that took this movie on makes me happy.  After all he did do the Indiana Jones movies...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Season of gluttony

It's amazing how much food people (myself included) eat over the holidays.  Every day I wake up with a slight stomach ache saying today I'll watch myself but then that same night when I am out with friends or family I just can't seem to say no.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Waiting for the postman

I just got a shipping notification from my video games and lululemon purchases.  After my boxing day purchases in store, I did more boxing day damage by buying some lululemon work out gear from their sale section.  I could never buy anything regular price but I must admit I dig their quality.  I wanted those underarmor capris I mentioned a few posts back but could not find a good price on them and ended up buying the boogie short, the groove short and the biker groove short from lululemon.  As you can see, there was a bit of a shorts theme with my purchase.  It's just when I get all sweaty, I like to be wearing minimal clothing ;)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day Shopping

So I was only out for about an hour but I did my fair share of shopping.  I can't stand crowds and I often find my sizes are gone if I shop later in the day, so I was at the mall bright and early at 8am when it opened.  I thought I was early but there were already lots of people at the mall.  Old Navy opened earlier than the mall and there was already huge line ups to the cash register that I didn't even bother looking inside. 

After going to a few stores at the mall, I stopped by some outlets that were near by.  I wanted some sweatpants from Roots but alas, they were not on sale.  The Jacob outlet however, rocked!  It was 50% off everything and if you don't mind buying items a season late, I'd recommend going there.

The damage
  • 2 tops from Medicino ($50)
  • 1 top from Smart Set ($10)
  • A gazillion things from Jacob ($36).  Ok not a gazillion but seriously their outlets kicked ass.  I bought Ts for $2.50 and even this dress I had been eyeing when it was over a $100.  It would've rung up for $12 but when I looked at the receipt when I got home, I didn't see it on there.  I wonder if the lady missed it because I bought a bunch of items from there.  Regardless it would've been the most expensive thing I bought there.
  • Ratchet and Clank All for One from ($33 but paid for using the gift cards I got from swagbucks)
  • Assassins Creed Revelations from EB Games ($20)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

My UD Naked Palette has arrived

I ordered it a while back and shipped to the bfs address in the states to take advantage of a Sephora sale.  Well he finally brought it back with him and I am quite excited to play with it.  I want to try the following look.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I am loving the mild weather

Relatively speaking mild off course.  Compared to last year, it's definitely been warmer this year.  I was around Nathan Phillips Square last night and it was a little weird to see it filled with skaters since it doesn't seem cold enough. 

Also what is a stand alone xbox 360 store doing on queen street?  I googled and it looks like it's an Xbox 360 Central store which allows you to try out games before buying them.  Not very informative Xbox 360 site.  It didn't seem like you could buy anything from there and was really for trying games out.  Seemed a little strange and misplaced if you ask me.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last minute shopping

I was at the gym last night which happens to be inside the mall & I could barely get a parking spot so I thought I would outsmart everybody by going there early the following morning so I could squeeze some last minute shopping in.  Well it seems like everybody else had the same great idea because I spent about 20mins waiting at the checkout line in Winners. 

I am participating in a secret santa gift exchange and bought my buddy a bunch of baking goodies since she loves to bake.  The neatest item I thought was this square cupcake tray for $15 at Winners.  I actually think it would be great for brownies since I love the edges and this way all the squares would have a crispy edge.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Work out capri tights

Now that it's colder, I sometimes want to wear something longer than my short shorts at the gym.  I like capris but my issue with the ones I have are they get stretched out in the calf area and end up looking a little strange.  Hard to explain but perhaps I'll have to take a pic of the ones I have to show what I mean.  I have a pair of adidas capris that were amazing at first and the dreaded stretched calf area happened.

If I ever find a good deal on them, I want to try under armor capris.  I have a few tops I bought when I was at their outlets in the US and they are fantastic.  Feel great, hold up well in the wash and look stylish.  Maybe on boxing day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Workout of the day - Check

I was able to get a 30 minute run out of the way this morning.  Surprisingly found it tiring though I've been working out consistently.  I even had a breakfast and normally I like to work out on an empty stomach.  Wonder why?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Body Pump

Today marks the 8th straight day I've gone to the gym!  I don't know how much longer I can keep this up because I see the days getting closer and closer to family parties, socializing with friends and basically enjoying life without worrying about what I am eating.

I did the Body Pump class this morning & I increased my chest & triceps weight.  Yay me!  I am still pretty weak compared to where I would like to be at but any small increase is an achievement for me.  When I first started, I couldn't even finish the chest & triceps tracks without taking a break.  Now I can actually finish them & felt strong enough to increase the weight a bit.  Back & biceps, you're next!

Friday, December 16, 2011

eek! Signed up for a half marathon this summer!

I am planning on following this schedule so I'll be ready by May.  Crossing my fingers, I don't injure myself in the process and get fit!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Went to the gym for a class

that was cancelled but I still managed to stay there and workout for an hour!  When I am getting back into the habit of going to the gym, I need my classes.  Why?  Because it forces me to work out for an hour or else I quit way too early.  Well today I rushed to the gym to make an 8:30am class to find out when I get there that it's cancelled.  Somehow I changed into my gym gear and forced myself to work out for 30mins which turned into an hour!  That's my little win for the day.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Select Sedu Products 50% off on

I love my sedu flat iron.  I've had their 1 & 1/2" iron for almost 7 years now if not more & it's still my go to straightener.  I have thick coarse hair so I need the wider plate or else it would take forever to straighten my hair.  Smaller plates work great for most but not for my crazy curly hair.  I also have their 1" curling iron which works great.  I'd love to get 1" straightener but it's a want and not a need even with the 50%.  If you are on the market for a straightener, get the sedu especially at these prices.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dexter Season 6

Has anybody else been dissapointed by this season?  I am going to rant about Dexter even though I've watched every single episode this season.  The thing is Dexters has had 5 amazing seasons in my book and I feel like I need to stand by as the writers learn their lesson and go back to its roots.  Like when parents let their children do dumb things because they know in the long run it will teach them a lesson.  Well that's kinda how I feel about this season of Dexter.
  1. This might be silly but every time I see Tom Hanks son on screen, all I can think about is Tom Hanks (not in that way....he just pops into my head and takes away from the immersion into the story)
  2. The big twist this season wasn't much of a twist.  I think lots of people including myself saw it coming from the start.
  3. Quinn --> Annoying
  4. Debroah --> Annoying
  5. Sgt. Laguerda --> Annoying
  6. That intern dude --> Annoying
  7. Basically anybody aside from Dexter and Mos Def I don't care for this season.  P.S. they got rid of Mos Def too early in the season
  8. The religious theme of this season isn't my thing
  9. His 'struggles' with maintaining family life.  Yeah they made it way too easy with the baby sitter.  I liked previous seasons where we saw him actually struggle to maintain his family life with the kids.
  10. There's more but I'll end the list with that random episode with his brother.  I get why they put it in there but really a whole episode on that?  And why not have him interweaved through out the whole season?

    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    Budgetting again

    I think I need to relook @ my spending habits.  I am planning on moving next year with no job lined up!  Crazy I know. I have savings but I don't know how long it needs to last so it's safe to say I am a little stressed.  I just took back a pair of pants to Banana Republic that I just bought because I decided I didn't absolutely need it.  I think I need to create a monthly budget again starting with the new year and figure out where most of my money has been going towards over the last few months.